Yes, my name is Heidi and I am Dewaholic. It seems so silly yet I crave it beyond words. My sugar is sky high, when it even gets close to normal I feel awful because my body is so used to high levels. I KNOW it's terrible for me but when I take that first swallow it's like heaven, I just can't help it. Ok, so maybe I can help, I just haven't been able to force my will power into over drive yet.
I'm embarrassed when I go to my doctor's appointment. I even skipped the last one because I didn't want to know what my A1C levels were. It's like a real true addiction. Hiding from family and doctors the depth of my own self destruction. I'm not going to lie and say that I am going to quit tomorrow. I will say that this blog is what I've come up with for my therapy. I've never blogged before. Recently I've been entering contests and giveaways. So many want you to google friend them to enter the contest, so I decided to create a blog. I had no idea what I was going to do until I was creating it. Deciding to talk about my addiction just seems the right thing to do.
If anyone out there has similar addictions or struggles, please do share with me. I will try my best not to enable you if you don't enable me :D